The overall objectives of this deliberative space are:
1.- to better understand the challenges concerning the river Llobregat
In order to achieve this goal, we propose:
- Compiling reference information on the river basin including environmental, economic, social, urban and technical information providing a comprehensive overview of the basin.
- Centralising and organising the information in an accessible register available to all (combining both physical and online material).
- Promoting the creation of a map of anthropic pressures on the basin and a cartography indicating related risks.
- Encouraging trainings on the current situation and future challenges concerning the river basin, tergeting all citizens, as well aspecific social and political actors.
- Promoting the creation of a study and research network regarding the challenges of the river basin.
- Promoting the creation of an exchange network of good practices in the fields of education, culture, management and preservation.
2.- To reduce anthropic pressure and pollution
In order to achieve this goal, we propose:
- Acting as a watchdog on environmental regulations’ implementation and at the same time promoting an organic policy framework aiming at the ecological improvement of the basin.
- Urging the competent authorities to seek consensus and the active participation of this roundtable when developing management plans of interest for the River Llobregat.
- Closely monitoring the measures conducted by the competent authorities and their effectiveness towards reducing the impacts on the river.
- Promoting the restoration and renaturalisation of the river, lakes and wetlands and their surroundings.
3.- To promote the management of the basin and the river as a common good
In order to achieve this goal, we propose:
- Promoting the River Llobregat roundtable as a co-management body, generating a legitimate space of collaboration and dialogue between public authoritiesand other actors.
- Encouraging the active participation and co-responsibility of citizens, to be engaged in the whole management procedure (diagnosis, solutions design and follow-up).
- Supporting the principle of demand management taking into account the values linked to usage (water for life, water for purposes of general interest and water for economic activities).
- Fostering reflection on the implications of the definition of the river as a common good.
- Advocating for an ecofeminist approach that focuses on life and respects the life cycles and the ecological limits of our planet, as a way to fight for social and ecological justice.
4.- To bring together the existent social network in the Llobregat basin
In order to achieve this goal, we propose:
- Boosting the bond between the people and the river.
- Joining efforts from the different agents currently working for the restoration of the river and the fluvial space.
- Promoting the network to include the different social, political and economic actors of the basin.
- Organising and supporting social and environmental claims and initiatives, working together with other social and environmental movements, including those active in other places related to the basin.
- Promoting actions aiming at boosting the visibility of thework and milestones achieved by the different actors engaged.
- Transferring knowledge about the River Llobregat and its current challenges to target audience beyond the basin.